Homebound Services offers Cleaning Services, Social Services Connection and Free Cell Phone Applications, and a Telephone Assurance Program
Social Calls
Homebound Care keeps people independent for as long as possible by providing skilled service workers to assist people with special needs in their home. Homebound Services provides rotarty call services to disabled and/or elderly economically challenged individuals on a daily, weekly, or bimonthly basis. These services include well checkin and social calls .
Social Service Connection and Free Cell Phone Applications
The staff at Homebound services will help with free cell phone applications, food stamp applications and other applicable social services in order to assist our clients in their ability to live independently.

Telephone Reassurance:
A “Rotary Care Ring” program provides a daily telephone call during the week to homebound isolated clients. These phone calls provide a wellness check up to clients that have little outside resources and because of advanced age or disability are homebound.